Knowledge and Network
Our ecommerce related workshops address knowledge gaps which hinder the online success of entrepreneurs. Sessions are available to help the merchant to set up a store, understand business planning for online entrepreneurship, in-bound marketing and more. Topics are curated as Starter and Advanced to segregate the information heavy sessions and application oriented workshops. We invite domain experts from business associations and industry partners to add depth to the sessions . New topics are added regularly to ensure that this community effort continuous to remain relevant as our merchants grow their online business. The workshops also serve as a networking platform for collaborations among merchants.
Tackle the fear of technology
Lack of confidence and fear of technology is a double edged sword which inhibits womenpreneurs from leveraging the potential of online growth. This hand-on workshop tackles this challenge, enabling a full store set up and guidance to understand the marketing nuances of each feature available on the Shopmatic platform.
Move from aesthetic to effective
Planning a good design and user experience architecture is very important for good customer engagement. We share simple hacks that anyone can easily put into practice to elevate their online store or website. Understanding the different sales channels available & the role of each is very important for small businesses to identify resource allocation as well as setting the correct business objective for each.
Learn the art of visual selling online
A visually appealing store can be a say a lot about your brand and business. Well presented concepts, catalog and products can be compelling sales tools online. Get a comprehensive guide on tools and tips to design a professional looking website which can also lead to high customer engagement and conversion.
Build a brand via social media
Familiar, free and fertile, Facebook is often the first place that entrepreneurs go to for growing brand awareness. This topic has some real useful hacks that entrepreneurs can use to make their investment in time and effort stretch more for their business.
Improve online store performance
Data is the unique cornerstone of a digital presence which sets an online store above traditional sales and marketing channels. Google analytics allows the data to be collected and synthesized into meaningful marketing insights and actions for continual improvement of a store's performance. Learn to ask the right questions, look at the relevant metrics and set the important objectives for growth of your business.
De-mystifying digital marketing
What is ranking? What is visitor traffic? What are keywords/adwords?What is a bid? This workshop tackles these questions and more for small business owners to understand, set up and execute Google advertising to pull in prospects and customers.
The importance of direct marketing
Customer relationship management is key for expanding the lifetime value that can be derived from each customer to a business. Email marketing is a strategic & effective way to manage the conversation and relationship with all the customer groups from prospects and loyal fans.
Reach out to prospects & customers
Facebook is an ever changing medium. New ad formats, new placement opportunities and new audience variables are constantly added to improve and fine tune its potential for small businesses. In this workshop we discuss the many ways that Facebook paid campaigns can be exploited for different business categories and for businesses at differing stages of growth.
#onlinebusiness #customergrowth
Instagram is the second generation social media which is now quite mainstream. Understanding the nuances of this channel will allow a brand to have a multiplier effect on their online targets and access new customer clusters who are younger and have the potential to grow the brand future.
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